The Fell Pony Society (FPS) is recognised by DEFRA as the parent society and holder of the Mother Stud Book.

Any group wishing to become an Overseas Branch must complete an application form provided by the Fell Pony Society (application form is downloadable here.)

The number of Overseas Branches recognised by the FPS in any given country is not limited to one only.

The applicant group must pledge agreement and acceptance of the following eligibility criteria laid down by the FPS.

In the case of any disagreement about the criteria for eligibility, the decision of the FPS Council shall be final .

Eligibility Criteria for formation of Overseas Branches:

The applicant group should become an Overseas Branch as recognised by the competent authority of its country, but in the absence of such an authority the FPS will act in this capacity.

The title of the Overseas Branch must be agreed by the Overseas Sub-Committee and the Fell Pony Council.

Overseas Branches must recognise the FPS Overseas Sub-committee (OSC) as the focal point for discussion and dialogue on matters outside the normal FPS secretarial duties, and follow the hierarchy detailed below in Appendix 1.

Overseas Branches must abide by the rules in the Constitution and Byelaws of the FPS (Articles, Rules and Regulations).

Overseas Branches must agree not to take or endorse any action which will or may bring the FPS into disrepute (FP Regulation 21); nor publicly make, or infer by association, any claims about the breed which are unsupported by the FPS.

Overseas Branches must maintain at least 1 FPS full membership within their operating committee.

The Aims and Objectives of the Overseas Branches must coincide with those of the FPS, particularly with regard to education and promotion. To this end branches must strive to promote knowledge of the breed type and may raise funds for breed promotion, organise social gatherings and events with a view to promoting the Fell Pony.

The Overseas Branch's rules and byelaws must be presented to the FPS Overseas Sub-committee for approval. The Overseas Sub-committee must be notified of any alterations or amendments immediately. In the case of any disagreement about the rules and byelaws, the decision of the FPS shall be final.

The FPS require that ponies are presented in accordance with our showing rules (consult the Showing Rules).

Overseas Branches are invited to submit an annual report of their activities to the FPS Overseas Sub-committee prior to 1st April each year. (This might include the following for example: details of show days, promotion, education and social events and so forth).

Overseas Branches must keep adequate accounts and send a statement annually to the FPS Overseas Sub-committee prior to 1 st February each year.

Overseas Branches must operate a policy that is inclusive and be anti-discriminatory in all their workings.

Overseas Branches must sign a clause agreeing to the withdrawal of recognition and privileges by the FPS if any of the criteria are breached or not implemented within 28 days of notification of the breach   by the FPS.

Note: Overseas Branches must arrange their own insurance cover (where necessary) for all events held.  The FPS will not be held to be liable.

The status of each Overseas Branch will be reviewed annually by the Fell Pony Society and a certificate issued on approval.

The group may be publicly known as an Overseas Branch from the day on which the official contact receives the Overseas Branch Certificate from the Fell Pony Society and may continue to be so known as long as it complies with the FPS Guidelines.

An Overseas Branch Certificate will be issued to the group by the Society for one year to 1st April and will normally be re-issued each year subject to satisfactory conduct of its business by the Group.

A copy of the current year's Overseas Branch Certificate must be publicly displayed at any events organised or attended by the Overseas Branch in its promotional capacity, and be otherwise held available for inspection by any person wishing to do

In return the FPS will:

Designate a member of the Overseas Sub-committee to act as point of contact for each country represented, to ease communication and provide appropriate support.

Provide general support and advice, and advise on education and promotion with regard to maintaining breed type.  For instance, by supplying publicity material and promotional literature.

Provide official recognition, including contact details and a link to the Overseas Branch’s website, subject to such restrictions that the FPS deem appropriate.

 UPDATED by the Fell Pony Society Council MAY 2015


Lines of communication in each country

Note: There may be any number of Overseas Branches (3 are pictured for demonstration only)

Note: Where a Daughter Society exists the Overseas Branches, within that country, will liaise directly with their Liaison person who in turn will liaise with the Daughter Society.

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